Evolving Our Store Blog
Proudly announcing a direct connection between you, the reader, the customer, the community member, and the ILGM Headquarters. We're calling it: ILGM HQ.
Mitch ILGM
Head of DXP
Table of contents
Eagle-eyed readers might already be aware that we have had more than one blog at ILGM, as this has been the case for roughly the past three years (I know, shocker, right?) At the same time, if this is news to you, that's also very understandable. Today, though, we're hoping to make a change to that.
Let's start with the basics. If you know of any of our two blogs, it must be our main one: ilovegrowingmarijuana.com. Originally started and made a success by our founder Robert Bergman, but heavily developed and pushed forward since by the rest of the ILGM team. We have been building our beloved ilovegrowingmarijuana.com for over ten years now. In that time, it has become the obvious starting point for newbie marijuana growers to set their first steps towards becoming a grower and a trusted home for the veteran growers in our community alike.
The ilove blog
ilovegrowingmarijuana.com, or 'the ilove blog' as we affectionally call it in the ILGM office, is home to our best grow guides and the latest developments in Cannabis cultivation. It's there where a small group of the greatest minds in the industry are working towards building a resource that growers of all levels can turn to. Whether you need to learn the very basics or require insights into some of the most difficult situations, our writers will have an answer for you. ilovegrowingmarijuana.com is the number one source for you to learn how to grow marijuana from seed to bud.
That's a clear proposition: a website collecting marijuana grow guides from the finest experts in the industry with the goal of providing growers of every level with any type of guidance they could ever wish for. The same couldn't be said for our other blog, which can be found under ilgm.com/blog (yes, that's this one), so let's get into that a little more.
Directly from the ILGM HQ
The blog that's housed on the same domain as our store, ilgm.com, never received the same amount of love as our 'ilove-blog'. Perhaps having 'love' in the name has something to do with it, but I digress. We shared roughly similar content on ilgm.com/blog (also referred to as 'the store blog' in our office, for obvious reasons) as we did on ilovegrowingmarijuana.com. We wrote some grow guides, some tips and tricks and put some effort into curating lists containing the best strains for certain conditions. I wouldn't say it was a bad website, but it was definitely unfocused. We didn't give it the attention it deserved. With that information in the back of our minds, I would now like to proudly announce the relaunch of the store blog. We're calling it ILGM HQ, where HQ stands for Headquarters (obviously).
I proudly announce the relaunch of the store blog. We're calling it ILGM HQ.
A little bit about me
Before I get into more specifics, let me share a little about myself. After all, I've been writing from the first-person view the entire time. My name is Mitch, and I've been with ILGM since 2019. I started as a customer support agent, which I did for about a year, but I soon started helping out with other small and not-so-small jobs throughout the company. Eventually, I had to let customer support go completely because my other operational tasks were filling up my time completely. I then stayed in this configuration for about two years, which allowed me to really get to know all the aspects of ILGM.
Halfway through 2023, something big happened. I became the store manager for ILGM. With that change, I was now fully responsible for everything that happens on ilgm.com. That's not to say I do all the work. Of course not. We still have our marketing manager who's responsible for our sales, our writers making sure the information on the product and collection pages is top-notch, our developers building new functionality, and so on. I just need to make sure I string all those things together properly. I am excited to be in this position, as I see a lot of ways we can further improve our service and make it even better than it's been for the past ten years.
This brings me back to the ILGM HQ blog. As the name reveals, I plan to make this a direct connection between you, the reader, the customer, the community member, and the ILGM Headquarters. We'll continue publishing our articles containing handpicked strains as we've done before. That was probably the best use case for this blog anyway, and it makes a fine companion to the products in our store. However, I will be more closely monitoring the quality of those articles and make sure they make sense with our offerings as well.
More importantly, I am adding a dedicated 'News' section, where I will write the occasional updates whenever we have new developments in the store or within the company that might be good for you to know. You are already reading the first one! You can expect updates when we launch new strains, make changes to our offering in another significant way, add new features to the store that make your life easier, or other interesting tidbits.
To make things as easy as possible, we're also introducing the option to subscribe to these updates. We've always had our weekly newsletter, but I am now adding this infrequent newsletter to our offering. When you subscribe to this list, you will receive nothing but these news updates from the ILGM HQ. This list and the regular weekly newsletter do not overlap, so you don't have to worry about getting too many emails from us. Unless you subscribe to this newsletter and the weekly mail, of course, then you'll receive both.
As has been the case with our weekly newsletters, feel free to reply to the ILGM HQ emails as well. Mind you, though, those replies go directly to my personal inbox and do not land with our customer support. I'm more than happy to receive your notes, but I do not have the capacity to do individual customer support. If you have any questions about your order or your grow, please use our regular channels for that. For now, you can simply subscribe to the ILGM HQ news updates using the form above. The next one will then land directly in your inbox.
Wrapping up
Well then! With that all out in the open, I think it's time to end this first introduction. Or rather, re-introduction. You know what, perhaps both apply here. This has been a long one, and I don't intend to make all news updates over a thousand words. I just felt you deserved to be properly brought into the loop on whatever's going on on our side.
Starting today, you can expect a little more communication from our side, some more peeks at what's going on behind the scenes, and more ways for you to let us know what you think about our service. We're still the same old ILGM that you have come to love and trust over the years. Only now we're in the best place we've ever been to fulfill our mission of making you happy. We're here, and we're listening.
Thank you,