Table of contents
What are we up to?
The following weeks ILGM will be going cross country, from the West Coast to the East Coast, through 11 states and stopping at six major cities along the way. Each stop will have its own theme and will offer a unique cannabis culture experience.
We wholeheartedly welcome you to come and celebrate the green and smoke filled road to 4/20 together, in real life.
However, if you can’t make it in person, this page is one of the many ways you can follow our antics and check-in on and catch up on what we’ve done the day before, currently, and what’s in store for the following day.
Stay tuned, it’s gonna be epic!
Below you can find our latest updates in this liveblog from our USA Team!
March 28th, 2025
Today was a good day, ney, a great day.
All the prep for the weekend event is done. The venue looks great, and we’re looking forward to meeting both our special guests and you, our community members, to join us for a day of herbs and education.
We’re going to kick off with a cannabis 101 with Dr. Riley Kirk (Cannabichem), who’s going to tell you all about how cannabis interacts with our body and mind, followed by an introductory cannabis grow class by the ILGM team and an edible Infusions 101 hosted by Chef Vanessa Lavorato. Then Dawn Doan & Bruno Rolls are going to take center stage with their joint rolling skills and show you exactly how to roll the purrrfect joint.
To wrap up tomorrow's event, we'll have a Buds & Beer Happy Hour hosted by Deisha Dabs and Tiana.
I mean, calling it fun-packed would be an understatement, to say the least.
But, honestly, what made today great was the ILGM community members we got to meet this afternoon.
First, we dropped by Keith’s nursery of ILGM’s Cookies seedlings in his backyard and were blown away by his previous harvest of ILGM’s Jack Herer.
The next stop was to be a warm welcome by Steve Webb and his lovely wife, Sherry. Steve, a retired vet, has perfected the art of growing out our seeds into massive trees. Seriously, those OG Kush, Godfather OG, and Granddaddy Purple plants were simply enormous, and the stems were bigger than my wrist!
Lastly, we got to see Steve Hayes and his lovely wife's perpetual grow setup with two adjacent tents where he was growing out 5 of our LA Confidential seeds. They were in the 5th week of flower and looked strong, healthy, and perfectly lollipopped.
Even though this was his 12th run with ILGM seeds, he did let slip that his favorite ILGM strain was, and will always be, his first Bubblegum.
Seeing the plants grow strong and the awesome people growing them is always the highlight of every week we’re on tour, and we’re looking forward to doing more of these visits on the road to 420. So stay tuned for more grow visits and tour updates to follow soon.
Much love.
- Herb
March 22nd, 2025
Sun, Zen, Inspiration, and Herbs
Our second weekend on the road to 420 couldn’t have worked out better. A small and intimate group of lovely and like-minded people gathered at at Arrive Hotel in Palm Springs to enjoy zen and serenity. They got high and limber during Mel Douglas’s elevated yoga and acoustic wellness sessions.
Mel's yoga class
We followed up with our grow workshop to help new growers get started on their journey as we transitioned into a herbaceous Tea and Terps class by Lindsay MaHarry.
The Grow class led by our ILGM team
How the growers were welcomed!
And the bags you get when you participate in the class
After a sunbathed afternoon of getting in tune with ourselves, connecting with our community, and much sharing of our favorite herb, everyone there was treated to what can only be described as a perfectly fitting living room concert by Harlee Case’s band, New Constellations and an opportunity to meet with her after the show.
We had a blast listening to New Constellations
We wanted this weekend to be centered around the gentle, tranquil, and embracing side of cannabis. To create a space to learn and connect with each other, to share knowledge as well as experiences. Most importantly, to celebrate that, no matter who you are, where you’re from, or what you do, our passion for life – and cannabis – can bring us together to create something beautiful.
I think we did just that. And we’re doing it again this Sunday, with more yoga, wellness, and opportunities to enlighten ourselves.
Much love.
- Herb
March 21st, 2025
Catching Up with Growers on the Road
While we’re gearing up for next weekend's event at Arrive Hotel in Palm Springs – where we’re going to celebrate women in cannabis with special guests Mel Douglas and Harlee Case, party it up at an epic live show of New Constellations, and of course, do our grow workshops –
We wanted to share the real reason that we’re on the road: To meet YOU! To connect with those with their hands in the dirt. To catch up with the growers who are growing out our seeds. To check in on what they are growing, why they are growing, and, of course, how they are growing.
Yesterday, we got a chance to check in on some of our most loyal customers in the greater LA area.
First, we hung out with Davison in his back garden, talking about his journey from beginner to where he’s at now.
Davison and Olaf discussing all things cannabis in his garden.
We followed up with Kelly, an inspiring veteran who isn’t just growing for himself but is planning out a huge outdoor grow area to help his follow-service men and women.
Kelly walking us around the land he wants to convert into a grow space for veterans.
After that, we met up with Koije, who was showing off his impressive indoor grow setup.Our second visit in LA was to meet a software engineer called Kojie. He had an indoor grow in a small apartment.
The next stop was dropping in on Cody from Raising Trichomes and Cam at Living Soil Dynamic, who were showing us their outdoor grow and work.Cody from Raising Trichomes (black cap) and Cam from Living Soil Dynamic, showing us their outdoor patch from last year.
Alex and Angela, an indoor growers couple with a massive grow over multiple tents.Alex showing his grow to the ILGM team
We loved seeing all these beautiful and passionate people, the diversity in their approaches to cultivating cannabis, learning from their experiences, and just generally hanging out with all of them and nerding out on cannabis!
So, thank you ALL for inviting us into your homes and gardens. We had a blast and are leaving LA inspired.
If there is anything we’ll be taking away from meeting Davison, Kelly, Kojie, Cody, Cam, Alex, and Angela is that we’re all part of a global cannabis community that shares knowledge to help each other and the planet. That we all share in this one passion and how growing and being around the plant changes you for the better. That there is a palpable belief in the cannabis plant as a healer.
Much love.
- Herb
March 17th, 2025
You peeps are amazing!
Just when we thought that Saturday was as crazy and buzzing as it would get, we were elated to see our booth area surrounded by all you amazing, green-loving peeps with smiles on your faces.
It was truly heartwarming to connect with all of you! And encouraging to see so many of you taking an interest in what we have to offer and to learn so many of you are starting on your own home grow journey.
It was an amazing weekend, thank you all so much for hanging with us, sharing your stories, and celebrating the cannabis lifestyle together. You were awesome!
We can’t wait to come back next year and do it all again. Today, we’re taking a day off to rest up and get ready for next weekend, when we’ll hit Palm Springs.
We’re looking forward to seeing you there as we will be celebrating women in cannabis culture! There, we’ll smoke up and find our zen during guided yoga sessions with Mel Douglas of the Black Women’s Yoga Collective, enjoy an exclusive concert by Harlee Case and her band New Constellations, give grow workshops, and much, much more.
Much love.
- Herb
March 16th, 2025
Hot Dab! Yesterday was crazy! In the best way possible, that is.
We knew we were gonna be busy, with all those awesome guests helping us make the ILGM booth a seriously cool place to hang, sesh, and learn at the same time.
But, boy oh boy, we didn’t expect this big of a turn-up. The community rallied and showed up in huge numbers! It was absolutely fantastic to see all of you having so much fun!
Kimmy Tan was laying down free ink left and right, Shirley Ju had a great time chillin’ & seshin’ with everyone, Koala Puffs was hot boxing our Bambi and smoking up the place something good, and Weavers was stealing the show with his smokable replica of that same Airstream. (Whoever gets to take Bambi home at the end of the tour will know we put her to good use.)
We want to give a huge shout out to all of you who joined us yesterday! Thank you all so much for the great conversations, the good vibes and sense of coming together as a community. Big up!
Anyway, I’m going to stop talking now and let the pictures tell the rest of the story, as the ILGM crew will be gearing up for a second day of good craziness at Rolling Loud! Hope to see you there.
Much love.
- Herb
March 15th, 2025
All Set, Ready to Roll!
The team hit the ground running in LA and is gearing up for the tour. Literally. First stop was picking up all the sweet swag we’re gonna give away at the festival.
Including an extra special surprise gift, our friend Weavers put together! (No, we’re not gonna split the beans, you’ll just have to come and see it in person at our Airstream on the festival grounds) (trust me, you won’t believe it till you see it. It’s the craziest thing I’ve ever seen. And I’ve seen my fair share of crazy things).
Weaver has left us a little treasure... Come find out what is in this chest at our booth!
We also got a first look at our Airstream… And doesn’t she look fine!? We’ve affectionately renamed her “Bambi”, and she’ll be accompanying us across the country in style.
A first look at our Home Grow Tour RV, the Bambi Airstream
The first chance you get to see her in all her glory is, of course, Rolling Loud. Come and visit us to get free tattoos from Kimmy Tan, meet & greet Koala Puffs x Weavers, and Shirley Ju! We're also doing mini-grow classes, giving away a lot of that sweet swag I was talking about, and we got some exclusive seed deals you won’t be getting anywhere else.
See you in a few hours! We can’t wait to sesh with you all.
Much love.
- Herb
March 14th, 2025
Taking Off and Gearing up for Rolling Loud
Annnnd, we’re off! Our crew is about to board a plane headed for LA. There they will be prepping the scene for our first main event: Rolling Loud!
Two days ram-packed with the best hip hop acts the scene has to offer, and, of course, one of the biggest communal smoke seshes this side of 4/20 itself.
Honestly, we’re so stoked to celebrate this event with you all!
If you find yourself at Rolling Loud, do drop by our Airstream, and hang with Kimmy Tan, Koala Puffs x Weavers, Shirley Ju and the ILGM crew for an unforgettable sesh, mini-grow classes, and sweet, exclusive seed deals you won’t be getting anywhere else.
Waving goodbye to the team heading for the States!
See ya all on Saturday!
Much love.
- Herb

Herbert M Green
As ILGM’s Head of Cultivation and Education, Herbert M. Green has only one mission: making growing cannabis easy and accessible for all.

We’re hitting the road!
ILGM's Home Grow Tour 2025
View all tour stops, limited giveaways(!), special promotions, and everything else on the overview page.

The ULTIMATE Giveaway
Win This Airstream Bambi 22
See the Airstream on the road and at select events, and at the end of our tour, it could be yours.

March 29 & 30, 2025
Phoenix: From Seed to Smoke at the Social Hall
Explore cannabis with Cannabis 101 by Dr. Riley, learn to grow with Rob, master edibles with Vanessa, and roll like a pro with Bruno Rolls. From history to hands-on skills, these courses cover everything you need to know.

At Select Tour Stops
ILGM Workshops
Get expert guidance, a first-time grow kit, and exclusive ILGM support. Follow various classes related to the industry!
Upcoming Tour Stops
Experience the iconic Airstream Bambi up close and personal at these upcoming stops. Join us as we embark on a journey to explore the beauty and functionality of this beloved camper.
View Next Stop
Phoenix: From Seed to Smoke
Explore cannabis with Cannabis 101 by Dr. Riley, learn to grow with Rob, master edibles with Vanessa, and roll like a pro with Bruno Rolls. From history to hands-on skills, these courses cover everything you need to know.

Boulder: Adventure Lodge
An event for our community: Where our loyal customers and our ILGM forum community can socialize during an outdoors nature weekend with like-minded cannabis connoisseurs.